A way for my family to reassure itself that I haven't lost my mind yet. I emphasize the yet.

Friday, May 26, 2006

A Laugh (or something like it)

This week has been full of all sorts of new and interesting experiences...
and quite frankly I like it. Their was a ride in a scissor lift to 30+ feet only to be topped by a 50+ foot ride in a cherry picker the very next day. I must suggest,if the oppurtunity presents itself, do not pass this up. Then agin yesterday, the new and mysterious presented itself in the form of my first catch of a bass. It wasn't huge, but it was big. So top that, you can't because its my experience and not yours. Sorry, I didn't mean that last bit. Please don't stop reading, I need readers.

1 comment:

Patric (formerly content) said...

i read it. I'm also just grounded. So there!

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