A way for my family to reassure itself that I haven't lost my mind yet. I emphasize the yet.

Friday, May 26, 2006

A Laugh (or something like it)

This week has been full of all sorts of new and interesting experiences...
and quite frankly I like it. Their was a ride in a scissor lift to 30+ feet only to be topped by a 50+ foot ride in a cherry picker the very next day. I must suggest,if the oppurtunity presents itself, do not pass this up. Then agin yesterday, the new and mysterious presented itself in the form of my first catch of a bass. It wasn't huge, but it was big. So top that, you can't because its my experience and not yours. Sorry, I didn't mean that last bit. Please don't stop reading, I need readers.

Friday, May 12, 2006

A Man and His Tools

Hello Faithful Reader,
You should all be happy to see it has been a scant three days in passing. This is marked improvement. Today in the mail, a letter arrived from my future alma mater. It had a list of tools to procure before the beginning of the semester. This made me very happy. Every man loves tools, stereotypically. Don't limit the word tool to a hammer or chainsaw. But for a moment ponder on the joy of a new paintbrush or computer software, or even a guitar or keyboard. The possibilities lay out before our vision, seemingly endless. Oh bliss, your name is potential. In other news, I'm in process of trying to procure some form of musical instrument. So please keep the peepers peeled for a deal in just about anything w/ strings.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

How long has it been?

Their is a fear to post due to my obvious negligence. I abandoned the child. What if he no longer wishes my involvement in his life? But an attempt has to be attempted.

Life is...

Feel free to add whatever b/c it has been that at one time or another. Do any avoid the entire spectrum of emotions? Life has presented itself to me in that very introspective tone it becomes in the face of moving on. College looms on the brink of thought, drawing nearer with each passing day. What new excitement and challenges shall be presented? What overstated metaphors shall be used to describe the experience? There seems to be a great many unknowns of late. Its exhilarating and tends to make me a touch of a grouch. My days aren't use to this amount of excitement and are straining from the load, this weight is straining my joints and members. But this is called exercise and it is bound to shape my malleable mind into a burgeoning cornucopia of insight and wisdom. So you would be led to believe. You would be wise to be led that way. Please pass the word the wizard is back in the Emerald City, and the wizard will be sure to keep you all delighted with his bag of tricks.

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You just have to see him to believe him